Are you starting or expanding your business to the Netherlands? One of our main goals is to make it possible for ambitious entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit for the Netherlands. Together with our network of facilitators it is our role to advice and inform you on the Startup Visa. If you are an entrepreneur there are two types of visa for you: the Startup Visa and the Self-employed Visa.
The Startup Visa is the fast-track programme that makes it possible for ambitious and innovative entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit for the Netherlands.
The following conditions apply for setting up your business in the Netherlands:
*The facilitator may, for example, help with operational management, marketing, research and investing acquisition for setting up an innovative business.
Once you completed your application, you are ready to submit it. Register your application at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). The costs to process your application include a one-time fee.
Learn more about this permit >>
To plan the next steps for your relocation, consult the Welcome to NL Relocation App to guide you.
One of the conditions for the startup residence permit is working together with a business mentor: a facilitator. This cooperation must be laid down in a (signed) agreement between the startup entrepreneur and the facilitator. The facilitator provides the startup entrepreneur with a tailormade package of support depending on the specific needs of the startup entrepreneur. The facilitator may, for example, help with operational management, marketing, research and investing acquisition for setting up an innovative business.
The Self-Employed Visa makes it possible for independent entrepreneurs and freelancers to offer their product or service to the Dutch economy.