Frequently Asked Questions

The Netherlands is an excellent point of entry if you want to do business in Europe. It is located in the heart of Europe and has an excellent infrastructure. Also, the business climate is reliable, strong and internationally focused. We want to help you on your way by answering the most pressing questions you might have in your journey to the Netherlands. Feel free to contact us at any time if you need more information regarding your personal situation.

I want to launch a startup in the Netherlands

The startup visa is a fast-track residence permit specially made for innovative entrepreneurs from outside the EU. It allows you to stay in the Netherlands and start your business, together with the professional help of a recognized Dutch startup visa facilitator. More information about the startup visa can be found here.

Yes, you can apply for the startup visa in the Netherlands if you are already here on a short stay visa. Make sure to apply for the startup visa when you’re in the Netherlands and hold the short stay visa. If your short stay visa has expired, you have to return to your home country. However, if you do apply before the expiration date of your short stay visa, you can await your application process in the Netherlands. For more information about the short stay visa.

It depends on where you are located. When you are already in the Netherlands, you can apply by post or at an IND office. If you are abroad you can apply for the startup visa and the provisional residence permit (MVV) (if applicable) at the Dutch consulate or embassy at your country of residence.

If you are residing in the Netherlands on another residence permit, you can apply in the Netherlands at the IND office or by post. You can schedule an appointment to turn in the documentation and submit fingerprints and a photograph. During the time that is necessary for the IND to reach a decision you can stay in the Netherlands.

If you want to start a business in the Netherlands, there are two entrepreneurial visa: either you apply for a self-employed visa, or you apply for a startup visa.

  1. You offer a product or service that is innovative;
  2. You work together with a trusted and experienced Dutch facilitator; You have an agreement between the facilitator and the startup
    a. in this agreement the type of tailor-made guidance is described
    b. the terms of the agreement should not harm or hinder the healthy development of the startup
    c. the facilitator cannot have a controlling interest in the startup company
    d. the agreement is signed by both parties (facilitator and entrepreneur)
  3. A step-by-step plan to develop your startup from your idea into a business: - the activities of the startup in the first year - your role in the company The step-by-step plan does not have a specific template, it should be clear from your business plan and/or pitch deck.
  4. You have sufficient financial means to reside and live in the Netherlands for at least one year

The startup visa requires that you have sufficient means to stay in the Netherlands for one year. The minimum amount is 70% of the minimum wage in the Netherlands for each month of the planned stay. The entire amount – i.e. 12 times the monthly amount if you plan to stay for one year – needs to be on the bank account at the beginning of that period. You need to prove that you have sufficient resources for the planned duration if you stay. If you are bringing a partner and/or child this becomes 100%, which means you have to show on a (Dutch) bank account that you have available the sufficient amount (x 12).The minimum wage in the Netherlands is about EUR 1680. Please note that if your family arrives later you will have to fund for the remaining months. You can find the current amount the IND utilizes as the minimum wage here.

Yes, this is possible. Another (legal) person, for example the facilitator, may fund the stay by providing financial resources to the startup entrepreneur. The support must be available for the entire stay of the startup entrepreneur (maximum of 1 year). Please find an overview of the amount of sufficient means here.

Yes, your startup can be in any sector. However, the product or service has to be innovative. The recognized facilitator selects you and decides whether they find your startup innovative. As for innovation you can think of the following aspects:

1. The product or service is new to the Netherlands.
2. It involves a new technology for production, distribution or marketing.
3. It involves an innovative organisational setup and working method.

The Netherlands is working on its National Technology Strategy. Startups that develop innovative products/services within these technologies are usually eligible for this visa.

Yes, you need to have a Dutch entity of your company. However, if you are unable to register at the moment of your application your recognized facilitator can help. Your recognized facilitator can declare that they will make sure you will register your company at the Chamber of Commerce after receiving the residence permit. Your recognized facilitator can help you with the registration once you are in the Netherlands.

No, any entity will do. However, it is most common to open up a private limited company (B.V.) or -in the start- a VOF (Vennootschap Onder Firma) or Eenmanszaak.

Once you’ve received your startup visa and registered your startup at the Chamber of Commerce you are a Dutch company. That means that you can apply for all available grants and subsidies. Have a look at the overview of the subsidies and programs from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. Your facilitator often supports you in finding funding and subsidies.

To be eligible for the startup visa it needs to be established that you are an entrepreneur and therefore shareholder of the company. The registration at the Chamber of Commerce must show that the startup entrepreneur has an active role within the startup. It is essential that you are able to make your own decisions within the startup and cannot be terminated from the company without your permission. It is, for example, uncommon to have 5 founders on a startup visa and still follow these requirements.

The startup visa is valid for 1 year.

After the startup visa year you can apply for the self-employed permit. You can discuss your goals and milestones with your facilitator to assess whether your business has developed according to your plan. If the facilitator is satisfied with your progress they can sign off on a declaration that exempts you from adhering to the scoring system of the self-employed visa. This means you can get the self-employed visa for another two years after your startup visa.

Yes. In addition to your studies, you are allowed to work in the Netherlands as a self-employed individual, as long as you continue to meet the requirements for your residence permit for study. There is no limit to the number of hours that you are allowed to work as a self-employed individual. Also, you do not need a working permit (TWV) for self-employment.

Yes, you certainly can. You are free on the Dutch labor market. However, should you decide to begin a startup consider finding a facilitator and apply for the startup visa. With the support of the facilitator you will get many opportunities for your startup. Also, should you decide you would rather work for a company after the startup visa you still have the option to apply for the orientation year visa, since it is valid for three years after graduation.

How to apply for a visa when you are in the Netherlands

Step 1: gather all necessary documents
  • Copy of your passport (page with your identity details as well as the pages with travel stamps, do not send copies of empty pages);
  • The filled in application form, including all applicable appendices;
  • A step-by-step plan that contains information on:
      - your role and tasks in the start-up company (the organisation); You must have an active role. This means that you are not just a shareholder or financier.
      - the activities (steps) that you will take in the first year in order to move from idea to business.
      - the innovative nature of the product or service; why the product or service is innovative.
    The product or service is innovative if it has at least 1 of the following 3 aspects:
      1. The product or service is new to the Netherlands.
      2. It involves new technology for production, distribution or marketing.
      3. It involves an innovative organisational set-up and working method.
  • The signed agreement between you and your facilitator. The agreement has been signed by both of you. Your facilitator must be authorised to sign the agreement. The agreement in any case includes information on:
      - the nature of the facilitation. The facilitation must be tailor-made. This means that the facilitator is able to facilitate you to get your idea to a business.
      - the conditions of the agreement. These may not adversely affect or prevent a healthy development of your business. It may not concern a ‘unconscionable contract’.
      - the facilitator’s interest in the start-up company. The facilitator may not have a majority interest in the start-up company
  • Evidence of means of support You can find more information about the evidence of means of support on the IND website.
Step 2: send the documents to the IND
Sign and send the completed form, the appendices and the requested documents to the IND in the Netherlands by post. Never send any original documents. You must send clearly readable and full copies of the original documents. Do not use any staples or paperclips. Do not send any USB sticks, DC’s, DVD’s and suchlike. Put all the documents in a sufficiently stamped envelope.

All the documents need to be sent by post to the IND to the following address:
Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
P.O. Box 5
9560 AA
TER APEL The Netherlands

Step 3: pay your fees
If you have submitted the application by post, you will receive a letter containing the amount of fees and information on how to pay, after the IND has received your application.

What will happen now?
The IND will review your payment and documents. The RVO will assess your application and advice the IND. When your application is granted you can make an appointment at the IND office or expat center of your choice to collect your residence permit.

You can apply for the self-employed visa in if you do not have an MVV required nationality. If you already have a valid Dutch residence permit you can apply in the Netherlands. If you come from a country with a MVV obligation you will have to apply from your country of residence.

Step 1: gather all necessary documents  
  • Copy of your passport (page with your identity details as well as the pages with travel stamps, do not send copies of empty pages);
  • The filled in application form, including all applicable appendices;
  • A step-by-step plan that contains information on:
    • your role and tasks in the start-up company (the organisation); You must have an active role. This means that you are not just a shareholder or financier.
    • the activities (steps) that you will take in the first year in order to move from idea to business.
    • the innovative nature of the product or service; why the product or service is innovative.
    • The product or service is innovative if it has at least 1 of the following 3 aspects:
      1. The product or service is new to the Netherlands.
      2. It involves new technology for production, distribution or marketing.
      3. It involves an innovative organisational set-up and working method.
      Examples include (but are not limited to):
      • activities stimulated within the context of the Top Sectors policy.
      • self-developed new products or services.
      • original approach to energy conservation.
      • original approach to sustainability problems.
      • clever and creative adjustments or combinations for the purpose of cross-sector applications.
      • new product-market combinations.
      • creative or innovative market approach.
      • social innovation.
      • introduction to corporate social responsibility
  • The signed agreement between you and your facilitator. The agreement has been signed by both of you. Your facilitator must be authorised to sign the agreement. The agreement in any case includes information on:
    • the nature of the facilitation. The facilitation must be tailor-made. This means that the facilitator is able to facilitate you to get your idea to a business.
    • the conditions of the agreement. These may not adversely affect or prevent a healthy development of your business. It may not concern a ‘unconscionable contract’.
    • the facilitator’s interest in the start-up company. The facilitator may not have a majority interest in the start-up company.
  • Evidence of means of support If you are (partially) financing the means of support yourself:
    • a copy of a Dutch bank account that is in your name or your company’s name, showing the balance that is available; or
    • a statement from the foreign bank where you have your account, detailing the amount (monthly) which is paid into the account in the Netherlands in your name or your company’s name; If your facilitator is (partially) financing the means of support:
    • a contract between you and your facilitator, detailing the financial resources that will be provided to you. If the means of support are being (partially) financed by a third financier:
    • an original statement from the bank that shows the amount that will be paid each month to your personal Dutch bank account, during your period in the Netherlands; or
    • an original statement from the financier, which states the monthly amount that will be paid to your personal Dutch bank account during your period in the Netherlands; and
    • a copy of your financier’s passport; and
    • a recent bank statement or bank specification which shows your financier’s bank balance.
Step 2: send the documents to the IND
Sign and send the completed form, the appendices and the requested documents to the IND in the Netherlands by post. Never send any original documents. You must send clearly readable and full copies of the original documents. Do not use any staples or paperclips. Do not send any USB sticks, DC’s, DVD’s and suchlike. Put all the documents in a sufficiently stamped envelope.

All the documents need to be sent by post to the IND to the following address:
Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
P.O. Box 5
9560 AA
TER APEL The Netherlands

Step 3: pay your fees
If you have submitted the application by post, you will receive a letter containing the amount of fees and information on how to pay, after the IND has received your application.

What will happen now?
The IND will review your payment and documents. The RVO will assess your application and advice the IND. When your application is granted you can make an appointment at the IND office or expat center of your choice to collect your residence permit.

How to apply for a visa when you are not in the Netherlands

Step 1: gather all necessary documents
  • Copy of your passport (page with your identity details as well as the pages with travel stamps, do not send copies of empty pages);
  • The filled in application form, including all applicable appendices;
  • A step-by-step plan that contains information on:
      - your role and tasks in the start-up company (the organisation); You must have an active role. This means that you are not just a shareholder or financier.
      - the activities (steps) that you will take in the first year in order to move from idea to business.
      - the innovative nature of the product or service; why the product or service is innovative.
    The product or service is innovative if it has at least 1 of the following 3 aspects:
      1. The product or service is new to the Netherlands.
      2. It involves new technology for production, distribution or marketing.
      3. It involves an innovative organisational set-up and working method.
  • The signed agreement between you and your facilitator. The agreement has been signed by both of you. Your facilitator must be authorised to sign the agreement. The agreement in any case includes information on:
    1. - the nature of the facilitation. The facilitation must be tailor-made. This means that the facilitator is able to facilitate you to get your idea to a business.
      - the conditions of the agreement. These may not adversely affect or prevent a healthy development of your business. It may not concern a ‘unconscionable contract’.
      - the facilitator’s interest in the start-up company. The facilitator may not have a majority interest in the start-up company.
  • Evidence of means of support
  • You can find more information about the evidence of means of support on the IND website.

    Step 2: make an appointment at the Dutch embassy or consulate
    Make an appointment with the Dutch embassy or consulate on

    Step 3: go the Dutch embassy or consulate
    Please bring the application form to the appointment and fill out all information under:
    1. Your personal details
    2. Details of your representative in the Netherlands (if applicable)
    3. Declaration of intent to undergo a TB test

    Step 4: Pay the fees
    The embassy/consulate will ask you to pay the fees in order to have the IND process and review your application.

    Step 5: send the documents to the IND
    Sign and send the completed form, the appendices and the requested documents to the IND in the Netherlands by post. Never send any original documents. You must send clearly readable and full copies of the original documents. Do not use any staples or paperclips. Do not send any USB sticks, DC’s, DVD’s and suchlike. Put all the documents in a sufficiently stamped envelope.

    All these documents need to be sent BY POST to the IND to the following address:

    Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
    P.O. Box 5
    9560 AA
    TER APEL The Netherlands

    Step 6: pick up your MVV and travel to the Netherlands.
    The IND will review your payment and documents. When your application is granted you can make an appointment to collect your MVV (entry visa) from the Dutch embassy / consulate. After that, you can travel to the Netherlands. The IND aims to have your residence permit ready within a few weeks following your arrival in the Netherlands. you can make an appointment at the IND office or expat center of your choice to collect your residence permit.

    Step 1: gather all necessary documents
      • Enclose a copy of your passport with your identity details together with your application. Make copies of all the pages with travel stamps as well. Do not copy empty pages;
      • The filled in application form, with all applicable appendices;
      • A proof of registration with the Chamber of Commerce, not older than three months, or fill in the Chamber of Commerce registration number at 5.12 in the application form;
      • A copy of the document that was issued by the competent Dutch authority showing that you have the necessary permits to be allowed to practice a particular profession or run a particular enterprise; and
      • A completed and signed ‘Declaration of income of self-employed person appendix’ with the appendices demanded therein;
      • If there is an enterprise in the country of origin: a copy of the deed of incorporation and the articles of association of the enterprise;
      • A business plan that includes information about:
          - the personal details of the owner;
          - the product or the service;
          - a market analysis that is focused on the relevant product or service;
          - the organisation;
          - balance;
          - turnover and liquidity prognosis, including the calculations;
          - specification and budget of labour creation and investments; and
        • Copies of all diplomas awarded. Does this involve foreign diplomas? Then these must include an evaluation from Nuffic/Vocational Education Labour Market (SBB) (International Credential Evaluation);
        • Copies of educational certificates (diplomas, doctorate) from Dutch study programmes;
        • Financial data, such as turnover data, annual accounts, tax data, pay slips, wage tax declarations, etc.;
        • Means of evidence (e.g. patents or references from professional institutes, etc.) that show the innovative character of the product or the service for the Netherlands;
        • Means of evidence of labour creation in your own enterprise;
        • Data relating to proposed investments;
        • A copy of the employment contract(s) from your previous employment(s);
        • Turnover data from the Dutch market; and
        • If you are a freelancer: copies of agreement(s) relating to the assignment(s) that you will be carrying out as freelancer. Financial means of evidence that support the application must be checked an independent expert authorised to do so (chartered accountant, an accountant/ administratieconsulent [a Dutch accountant’s qualification], bookkeeper or a financial advisor).
        Step 2: make an appointment at the Dutch embassy or consulate
        Make an appointment with the Dutch embassy or consulate on

        Step 3: go the Dutch embassy or consulate
        Please bring the application form to the appointment and fill out all information under:
          1. Your personal details
          2. Details of your representative in the Netherlands (if applicable)
          3. Declaration of intent to undergo a TB test
        Step 4: pay the fees
        The embassy/consulate will ask you to pay the fees in order to have the IND process and review your application.

        Step 5: send the documents to the IND
        Sign and send the completed form, the appendices and the requested documents to the IND in the Netherlands by post. Never send any original documents. You must send clearly readable and full copies of the original documents. Do not use any staples or paperclips. Do not send any USB sticks, DC’s, DVD’s and suchlike. Put all the documents in a sufficiently stamped envelope.

        All these documents need to be sent BY POST to the IND to the following address:
        Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
        P.O. Box 5
        9560 AA
        TER APEL The Netherlands

        Step 6: pick up your MVV and travel to the Netherlands.

        The IND will review your payment and documents. When your application is granted you can make an appointment to collect your MVV (entry visa) from the Dutch embassy / consulate. After that, you can travel to the Netherlands. The IND aims to have your residence permit ready within a few weeks following your arrival in the Netherlands. you can make an appointment at the IND office or expat center of your choice to collect your residence permit.

      I want to grow my business in the Netherlands

      The self-employed visa is a residence permit that enables you to start or grow your business in the Netherlands. More information on the self-employed visa can be found here. Click here to go to the application form. The self-employed visa works on a point-based system.

      - The activities you will develop serve an essential interest for the Dutch economy.
      - You are registered at the Chamber of Commerce (KvK). Please find more information on registering your company from abroad here.
      - You meet the requirements for practicing your business or profession. This means that you have all the necessary licenses (if applicable).
      - You are going to earn sufficient income from your activities as an independent entrepreneur. This should be evident from the business plan.
      - You can score enough points in the point-based system:
      The scoring system consists of 3 parts:
      1. Personal experience (education, entrepreneurship, work experience)
      2. Business plan (market analysis, product/service, price, organisation, financing)
      3. Added value for the Netherlands (innovation, employment creation, investments)
      The 3 parts together consist of a total of 300 points. At least 90 points are needed, with a minimum of 30 points for each part. However, if you manage to get 45 points for part 1 And 45 points for part 2 this will also qualify you for the self-employed visa.

      It is important to note that foreign diplomas must be assessed by the “Instituut voor Diploma Waardering” (IDW). Please go to the website of the IDW to have your diploma assessed. Take heed that this process might take longer than the indicated processing time of 4 working weeks. Therefore, it is wise to start this process as soon as possible, as it is a necessary step for applying for the self-employed visa.

      Partner and family

      Is it allowed to bring over my family with the startup visa? Yes, it is allowed to bring your family over with the startup visa. Children can come over after written authorization from the other parent. Please have a look at the following link for more information on the conditions for your partner.

      This link will bring you to the application form, with all information on how your family and relatives can apply. When you apply for your visa, your spouse (registered or unmarried partner) and/or children can apply at the same time. They can also apply at another time if this fits your schedule better.

      Yes, your partner is allowed to work in the Netherlands. Your partner is free on the Dutch labor market and can also start a business.

      Yes, your partner is allowed to start a business in the Netherlands. Your partner is free on the Dutch labor market and can also work for an employer or start their own business.

      Yes, without a problem. On a visa level, your partner is free on the labor market and can work for a company or start a business.

      The startup visa facilitator

      A startup visa facilitator is a Dutch tech ecosystem player that is a recognized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Immigration Service as a sponsor for the startup visa. This can be organisations like an early-venture builder, incubator or accelerator that will help you with your startup. Facilitators provide a tailor-made program. This can contain access to their network, funding, working space and personal guidance. Sometimes they want in return: equity, monthly payment (for example for the office space) or a fee. At the website of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency you will find a list of facilitators that are recognized. The list of recognized facilitators is not limitative, any organisation that meets the requirements can qualify as a facilitator. Keep in mind that facilitators are most often embedded organizations in the Dutch startup ecosystem with personnel that can confirm their continuity.

      Yes, it is up to you to find a startup visa facilitator that agrees to guide you in your startup visa year and will support you in the Netherlands. You can find an overview of all startup visa facilitators here.

      We are here to help! If you submit the contact form with your business plan and/or pitch deck to the Netherlands Point of Entry we can review your documents. If you wish we can discuss with you what you are looking for in a facilitator. We can show you which facilitators would be suitable for you. If we feel there could be a match between you and a facilitator we can make an introduction.

      A facilitator needs to be a recognized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. There are recognized facilitators for most sectors, in almost all cities in the Netherlands for early-stage startups to later stage. Please contact the Netherlands Point of Entry at if your organization wishes to become a recognized facilitator. Important is that if you wish to become a recognized facilitator, the application process always goes together with the application of a startup visa applicant. Please find an overview of the legal requirements here.